Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rough Animatic - Link

Good morning!

Here's the URL to my rough animatic:

After some class discussion and infinitely helpful feedback, there are some changes to be made in story flow/progression and shot clarity, but it will be set in stone before the week is up.  Timing is rough in this animatic, too--but that's why it's called "rough", I suppose.  What a redundant post!


P.S.: Thanks to Cam (The 3Den) for his convicting ultimatum to actually update our blogs!

(c) 2013 ED4G


  1. Hey Emily!

    Loving this animatic so far. As we talked about in class, some of the shots can be a bit confusing, but I like the direction, and LOVE the way your story turned out. Your style definitely lends to this kind of storytelling, so keep at it! Like we also talked about, maybe adding female characteristics to the worm bait would be helpful.

  2. Thanks, Cam! The feedback everyone shared in class was extremely helpful. I've been working all weekend on a new animatic--will hopefully post the link tomorrow!
