Thursday, October 31, 2013

R.I.P. (Rough In Progress)

BOO!  Happy Halloween!

Happy progress update on "Wiggin' Out" as well.  So far I'm barely above water as I try to complete my rough animation, but the experience is certainly as rewarding as it is challenging.  I love witnessing the "illusion of life" as I build every shot to completion--how still drawings in sequence are somehow born again as lovable, real characters.

I'm slated to have the entirety of the rough animation finished by Monday, November 11th, so that I might deliver it to my sound designer.  Today I received my music--a fantastic composition written and performed by my dad!--so I can take up my hammer and nail down my timing until it's firmly in place.

Here's the rough animation I have completed so far:

And so help me, I'll have three weeks in the labs for cleanup once the rough is done!  With Emily, this is impossible--but with God, all things are possible (If He doesn't decide this one really is a hopeless case)!

I hope you like the animation and the new music.  Be sure to go trick-or-treating tonight--just watch out for the kid with the broom if you're wearing an eye-catching wig.

Till November 11th,

(c) 2013 ED4G


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