Friday, September 20, 2013

Here I Am!

Good evening!

How have you been these past four months?  Indeed, summer seems to have flown by, and another school year is already in full swing.  This is my third year at RIT, and this semester my classmates and I are producing our second round of student films--deeper, more meaningful, and more skilfully executed than our one-quarters.  The task that lies before us is no less daunting, but now we have a bit of experience under our Super Utility Belts.

Speaking of one-quarters, I neglected to ever post the link to the finished version of "Thrill of the Hunt"!  Sorry about that. *dodges flying tomatoes*

Here you are:

My second student film--referred to variously as "The BIG Quarter" or "The One-Semester"--is called "Wiggin' Out."  It's based on an idea I had for a little boy sweeping hair at a salon as a sort of day-job.  My insanely creative dad made vast improvements to the concept, fleshing it out into a full story about the little boy at the barbershop, sacrificing a day of play to sweep the hair and ultimately using it to craft a crazy wig for his ill grandmother.

The work I do will be to honor my dad's creativity--who, by the way, might compose the soundtrack for the film, to be sung by an a cappella barbershop quartet!  My own grandmother was diagnosed with cancer twice when I was little, too; so the subject matter hits close to home.

Technically, my focus will be character animation.  I intend to develop my acting and timing skills first and foremost.  The design of this film will be carefully worked out as well--I don't want to fall back on the same rudimentary inking and coloring techniques I used in Thrill.  I plan to use TVPaint again, but not as a crutch--I'll strive to learn and incorporate new features and tools.

Blah, blah, blah, right?  But I'm excited, and I hope you are, too!  Stay tuned for production updates as I delve back into the world of animation, and we'll celebrate the joy of creativity together.

Have a good night,


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